Peripheral Install Labor

Peripheral Install Labor

This service includes:
  • Peripheral Removal
  • Visual Component Inspection
  • Cable Inspection
  • Part Installation
This service is typically chosen by someone who:
  • Has a damage peripheral such as power supply or video card
  • Has a damage or faulty laptop keyboard
  • Is getting errors while reading from disc drives
  • Wants to upgrade a peripheral such as a video card or component like RAM

Peripheral parts include; RAM, Video Cards, Secondary Internal Hard Drives, PCI or PCI-Express Cards, Power Supplies, Laptop Keyboards that do not require full teardown, and Disc Drives. If applicable Nextier will remove the faulty device and install the new part.

So what does this mean?
With most of the parts on a computer located internally it is a good idea to let the trained staff at Nextier remove and replace damaged parts.

*additional cost for apple products

*prices do not include parts cost if applicable

Approximate Turn Around Time
  • 1 - 2 Business Days plus part delivery if applicable