Clean Install

Clean Install

This service includes:
  • User Data Backup*
  • Common Software Install*
  • Driver Updates
  • Data Backup Virus Scan
  • Hard Drive Inspection
This service is typically chosen by someone who:
  • Has a PC diagnosed with Trojans or Worms
  • Has a corrupt Operating System
  • Is a victim of Crypto Malware
  • Wants to get their computer running like new

Also known as an Operating System Reinstall, the Clean Install allows us to format your hard drive and restore a fresh operating system to your computer. This is done after performing a thorough back-up of personal data if requested; including Documents, Photos, Music, Favorites, Email, and any other applicable data specified by the client. The benefits of a clean install are; an up to date operating system based off a clean image, complete removal of all garbage software and files, up to date driver installations, allows us to detect any potential hardware issues.
There are some items that will have to be done these include installs of licensed software, installs of peripheral hardware devices not brought to the shop when the computer is dropped off for repair.

* user data backup includes first 100GB of data further data is billed under the Data Backup fee.
**common software includes: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, 7zip, iTunes, VLC Media Player, Microsoft Essentials Anti-Virus, Foxit PDF Reader, Java, .NET, Silverlight, Libre Office

So what does this mean?
To get your computer running smooth again whether your issue comes from viruses or corrupt updates choose the clean install, it has many benefits that outweigh the required post install set up.

*additional cost for apple products

*prices do not include parts cost if applicable

Approximate Turn Around Time
  • 2 Business Days Depending on Data Back-Up